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Create and manage your product collections in Omi
Create and manage your product collections in Omi

Organize your products and find them more easily in Studio

Sunil Vyas avatar
Written by Sunil Vyas
Updated over a week ago

In Omi, you can organize your products into collections to easily find them within the studio. This allows for more efficient management of your products and makes navigation smoother during your various projects.

Table of Contents:

1. Create a product collection

To create a new product collection, follow these steps:

  • Access the “Products” page by clicking on the corresponding tab in your Omi workspace.

  • At the top of the page, you will find a “Collections” section. Click on the “New collection” button to create a new collection.

  • Give your collection a name and save it. It will now be visible at the top of the page.

2. Add products to a collection

To add products to a collection:

  • From a collection, click on the “Add product” button or on the […] menu next to the collection name and select Edit.

  • In the window that opens, you can add products by selecting them from the list. If you want to remove a product that’s already added, simply click on it.

  • Once you’ve made your selection, close the window to update the collection with the added products.

3. Create sub-collections

You can also create sub-collections within your collections to further organize your products. Here’s how:

  • Go to the Collections section at the top of the page.

  • Click on the option to add a new collection, and then create one or more sub-collections as needed.

  • You can easily nest collections within each other in just a few clicks.

4. Reorganize your collections

If you want to reorganize your collections or move them into other collections:

  • Click on the […] menu next to the collection name and select Reorganize.

  • In the window that appears, you can move a collection inside another or reorder it to a different level.

Once you’ve reorganized your collections, they will be displayed in the studio the same way, following the order you’ve defined.

5. Who can manage collections?

All members of your organization can view the products and collections, but only users with Administrator or Owner roles can create, edit, or delete collections.

For more information on user roles and permissions in Omi, visit : User roles and permissions in Omi.

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