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Managing the exposure of white products

Find out how to adjust the exposure of your visuals on your white products in Omi.

Laurie Felicio avatar
Written by Laurie Felicio
Updated over 2 months ago

Discover in this article how to manage the exposure of your white products in the Omi studio.


Step 1: Specialized lights for white products

Here's the procedure for using the right lights:

  1. Place your product in the scene

  2. Click on the Lights tab

  3. Choose the appropriate light for your white products (list below)

Here's a list of neutral lights to avoid overexposure with your white products ↓



No light with studio reflection 28

No light with studio packshot reflection

Step 2: Post-process your renders to reduce overexposure

If your render is overexposed, you can post-process it with the Edit tool and use the following parameters to correct this effect:

  • Brightness

  • Saturation

  • Contrast

  • Highlights

  • Gamma

  • Exposure

  • Sharpness

Here's an overexposed render without post-production.

Here's a corrected render with post-production.

💡 Omi Tips 💡

You can save your edits with Edit to be able to return to these edits later!

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