On each Template, by clicking on the background, it is possible to customize the scene background by adding :
Un Fond 3D
Un Fond Uni
Un fond avec des textures
Un fond avec des images
Un fod transparent
Le sol de votre scène
Set your scene background
On each scene, by clicking on the background, you can customize the scene background by adding :
3D backgrounds :
To customize the background of your scene, click on the scene background to open a menu on the right:
Color: Add your own color code
Omi Tips : Vous pouvez ajouter vos couleurs de marque grace à un code HEX ou RGB.
Flat Color :
This option does not reflect studio light, and allows you to display an exact color for the background.
Backgrounds with textures :
Advanced materials: You can change the material of your background while changing its colors.
Textures: Apply predefined textures with fixed colors.
Rotation: Rotate your texture
Horizontal axis: Move the texture from left to right.
Vertical axis: Move texture up or down
Scale: Zoom your texture
Image :
In the “image” section, you can add realistic backgrounds:
Image 360: You can move around by holding down the click and moving the mouse from right to left.
Pexels: Choose from millions of royalty-free photos.
Add your own image: Upload your own image from your computer.
Omi tips: Move around the photo: hold down the click and move the mouse from right to left.
In the “advanced” section, you can make your wall transparent and deactivate or deactivate shadows.
Your ground :
You can modify the floor of your stage by changing various parameters:
Color :
Omi Tips: You can add your brand colors using HEX or RGB codes.
Textures :
Advanced materials: You can modify the material of your floor while changing its colors.
Textures: Apply predefined textures with fixed colors.
Rotation: Rotate your texture
Horizontal axis: Move the texture from left to right.
Vertical axis: Move texture up or down
Scale: Zoom your texture