Can't find the right texture for your background and floor?
You can use artificial intelligence to generate a custom texture that can be applied to :
The background of your scene
The floor of your scene
Customizable accessories
Step 1: Go to the Omi studio
Go to Omi
Click on the template of your choice
Select a project in which to store your new scene
Then click on "Create".
Step 2: Show the AI texture
Click on the background or floor of your scene
A menu appears on your left, select "AI texture" at the top
You can choose between two types of texture:
Simple mode, by clicking on the “Create” tab and choosing from the main texture themes
Advanced mode, by clicking on “Switch to advanced mode” below “Generate texture”.
💡Omi tip:
You can find all generated textures in the "Generated" tab.
Step 3: Generate your texture
Simple mode:
Select a texture from the main themes shown
Click on "Generate texture"
Advanced mode :
Click on "Switch to advanced mode".
Enter your keywords in the small text box
Click on "Generate texture".
💡Omi tip:
if you don't like the proposed texture, you can click on "Generate" again to get a new proposal.