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Omi product animations

Read this article to find out more about the various product animations developed by Omi.

Laurie Felicio avatar
Written by Laurie Felicio
Updated over a month ago

Omi lets you animate your products using 17 animations developed by our 3D Creative team to generate videos.

⚠️ To use the product animations, you need to have the video add-on activated in your licence.


Step 1: How do you use a product animation on your product?

  1. Click on your product

  2. Choose the animation of your choice

  3. Press "launch animation" to see how it will look on your scene

  4. Generate the rendering with the desired time (two seconds, four seconds, six seconds and eight seconds)

⚠️ If you want to stop the video animation, simply uncheck the product animation you have chosen and your scene will revert to photo mode.

Step 2: How do you use a product animation on an asset?

  1. Click on your asset

  2. Choose the animation of your choice

  3. Press "launch animation" to see it rendered on your scene

  4. Generate the rendering with the desired delay (two seconds, four seconds, six seconds and eight seconds)

⚠️ If you want to stop the video animation, simply uncheck the product animation you have chosen and your scene will revert to photo mode.

Step 3: The various product animations

360° rotation

360 Ease in and out

Vertical translation


Bouncing rotation

Slide in

Show off











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