The Focus tool is an excellent way to highlight a product in your scene by blurring the environment around it. This creates a depth of field effect, allowing the product to draw all the attention.
Using the Focus tool
When you’re in the Omi studio:
Go to the “Cameras” section at the top left of the studio.
Select the camera you wish to use. (If necessary, refer to our guide here). In the camera settings (right panel), go to “Advanced”.
Enable the Focus tool by clicking on the “Selection” button.
Next, select the area you want to highlight by clicking on the point you want to focus on in your scene.
Adjust the blur intensity using the slider located just below the Focus button, allowing you to control the strength of the blur around your focal point.
Scene without focus
Scene with focus on the bottle in the foreground
Scene with focus on the bottles in the background
💡Omi Tips💡
The focus applies exactly where you click, allowing you to precisely control the depth of field, even on the same object, depending on the area you want to highlight.
For example, on this bottle:
If you place the focus on the label (left photo), the depth of field will concentrate on that area.
If you place the focus on the cap (right photo), you’ll get a different focal effect.