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Resize my scene

Choose the export format, the ratio of the visual and its quality according to the final use (eCommerce site, social networks, etc.)

Riva avatar
Written by Riva
Updated over 2 months ago

Resizing your scene means choosing the right ratio for the support targeted (eCommerce site, social networks, print, etc.), and in particular portrait versus landscape orientation.


A few details on renders and ratios

Photo or Video?

The choice of Camera and/or Product Animation determines whether the export will be a Photo or a Video.

Resolution, ratio, and generation

The ratios are pre-configured to be perfectly optimized for the target use of the Photo/Video:

  • By category: eCommerce; Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; TikTok; Snapchat; Pinterest; Display...

  • By type: Hero, Story, Reel, Cover...

A 2K photo render will take a few minutes.

⚠️ As soon as the render resolution is higher than 2k, it will take longer to generate.

A two-second video render will take around ten minutes.

⚠️ As soon as the video is longer than two seconds, it will take longer to generate.

💡 Omi Tips 💡

We recommend that you size your scene as soon as you create it

Step 1: Resize my scene

You can resize your scene as you wish. You can choose a set ratio or add your own custom ratio.

Resizing with a defined ratio

Here's how to resize your scene:

  1. Click on the numbers in the toolbar at the bottom of your scene

  2. Select the desired ratio from the list

  3. The working frame automatically resized

  4. Generate your render by pressing ‘generate’ in the top right-hand corner.

Resizing with a custom ratio

Here's how to resize your scene:

  1. Click on the numbers in the toolbar at the bottom of your scene

  2. Click on "Custom"

  3. Enter your own ratio in the spaces provided

  4. Save it, naming it for easier access

  5. The working window resizes automatically

  6. Generate your render by pressing "generate" in the top right-hand corner.

Depending on the chosen resize, it will probably be necessary to move products within the scene so that they appear in the frame.

Step 2: Ratio and resolution examples


  • Mobile Hero (2K)

  • Hero (2K)

  • Square (2K)


  • Story (2K)

  • Reel (2K)

  • Portrait (2K)

  • Square (2K)

  • Landscape (2K)


  • Story (2K)

  • Landscape (2K)

  • Square (2K)

  • Cover (2K)


  • Landscape (2K)

  • Thumbnail (2K)


  • Story (2K)


  • Story (2K)


  • Story (2K)

  • Standard pin (2K)

  • Long pin (2K)

  • Board Display (2K)


  • Landscape (4K)

  • Story (4K)

  • Square (4K)

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